
A very long train journey. Conversaciones inglés intermedio.

Conversaciones en inglés nivel intermedio. L5.

A very long train journey. - Un viaje de tren muy largo.
Devon talks to Todd about a very long train journey he once did.

Devon, I hear that you took the train across Russia.

Yes, I started in Moscow, travelled through Russia, Mongolia, and ended up
in China.

Wow! That's a long way!

Yes, it was. It took three weeks. I did it as part of a tour with ten other people.

Man, that's a cool trip. That must have cost a lot of money.

It did cost a lot of money but not a lot of people can say they have done that, and so... I looked in, I researched the trip several months before I actually took it. A friend and I did it together and there was one other American and the rest of the people were from Switzerland.

OK. Cool! What was the landscape like?

A lot of it was flat and for miles around you could see absolutely nothing, and as you got into Siberia there was scattered trees, and when we got into Mongolia you could see some Camels every once in awhile, but besides that there was a whole lot of nothing.

Wow! Just wild camels!

Wild Camels around the drinking hole. Yes, saw that more than once.

So how did you eat on this train?

We stopped several times along the way and upon every platform you could buy food that local people were selling. A lot of it consisted of dried fish and other types
of Russian delicacy and a lot of noodles that you heated up with hot water. Every train had hot water on it on every carriage so you were always able to make noodles if you were desperate.

So was this a luxurious train or was it a pretty basic...?

It was pretty much the most basic you could get. There were no animals on board but
sometimes they were coal heated so it was very basic.

Wow! Would you do it again?

Great question! Would I do it again? Yes, I would do it again but I would wait several years to do it. One because it does cost a lot of money and two because there are many other things to do and see.

OK. Thanks a lot Devon.
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It took three weeks. - Tardó tres semanas.

cool = great, awesome. - genial, guay.
a cool trip. - Un viaje genial

must have - debe haber
It must have cost a lot of money. - Debe haber costado mucho dinero.

look in(to) - investigar
I looked in(to)… - Investigué ...

landscape - paisaje
What was the landscape like? - ¿Cómo era el paisaje?

besides - además, aparte.

a whole lot of nothing. - To say that there was nothing to see or nothing happening.  

drinking hole - abrevadero

along the way - en el camino

heated up (Phrasal verb: heat up) - calentar.  

pretty basic - bastante básico
Pretty como adjetivo signifíca bonito, hermoso. Pero es muy común usar pretty en el sentido de bastante.

                                                            Una traducción

Devon, I hear that you took the train across Russia.
Devon, he oído que viajaste el tren a lo largo  de Rusia.
Yes, I started in Moscow, travelled through Russia, Mongolia, and ended up in China.
Sí, empecé en Moscú, viajé a través de Rusia, Mongolia, y terminé en China.
Wow! That's a long way!
Wow! ¡Eso es muy largo!
Yes, it was. It took three weeks. I did it as part of a tour with ten other people.
Sí, lo fue. Tardó tres semanas. Lo hizo como parte de un viaje con otras diez personas.
Man, that's a cool trip. That must have cost a lot of money.
Hombre, eso es un viaje genial. Eso te debió de costar mucho dinero.
It did cost a lot of money but not a lot of people can say they have done that, and so... I looked in, I researched the trip several months before I actually took it. A friend and I did it together and there was one other American and the rest of the people were from Switzerland.
Se me costó mucho dinero, pero no hay mucha gente que puede decir que han hecho eso, y entonces ... Investigué el viaje durante varios meses. Un amigo y yo lo  hicimos juntos y había otro americano y el resto de la gente era de Suiza.
OK. Cool! What was the landscape like?
Bien. ¡Genial! ¿Cómo era el paisaje?
A lot of it was flat and for miles around you could see absolutely nothing, and as you got into Siberia there was scattered trees, and when we got into Mongolia you could see some Camels every once in awhile, but besides that there was a whole lot of nothing.
Mucho era llano y para kilómetros había  absolutamente nada, y cuando llegamos a Siberia había algunos árboles dispersos, y cuando entramos en Mongolia se podía ver algunos camellos de vez en cuando, pero aparte de eso no había absolutamente nada.
Wow! Just wild camels!
¡Wow! ¡Sólo camellos salvajes!
Wild Camels around the drinking hole. Yes, saw that more than once.
Camellos salvajes alrededor de un  abrevadero. Sí, lo vi eso más de una vez.
So, how did you eat on this train?
Entonces, ¿cómo comiste en el tren?
We stopped several times along the way and upon every platform you could buy food that local people were selling. A lot of it consisted of dried fish and other types
of Russian delicacy and a lot of noodles that you heated up with hot water. Every train had hot water on it on every carriage so you were always able to make noodles if you were desperate.
Paramos varias veces en el camino y en cada andén se podía comprar comida que la  gente estaban vendiendo. Mucho consistía en pescado seco y otros tipos de delicadeza ruso y un montón de fideos que se calientan con agua caliente. Cada tren tenía agua caliente en cada vagón de manera que siempre podrías preparar fideos si estuviera desesperado.
So, was this a luxurious train or was it a pretty basic...?
Entonces, era un tren de lujo o un tren  bastante básico ... ?
It was pretty much the most basic you could get. There were no animals on board but
sometimes they were coal heated so it was very basic.
Era más o menos lo más básico que podía conseguir. No había animales a bordo, pero
a veces se calentaron con el carbón mineral por lo cual era muy básico.
Wow! Would you do it again?
¡Wow! ¿Lo harías de nuevo?
Great question! Would I do it again? Yes, I would do it again but I would wait several years to do it. One because it does cost a lot of money and two because there are many other things to do and see.
Buena pregunta! ¿Lo volvería a hacer de nuevo? Sí, lo haría de nuevo, pero esperaría varios años. Uno porque cuesta mucho dinero y dos, porque hay muchas otras cosas que hacer y ver.
OK. Thanks a lot Devon.                   
Bien. Muchas gracias Devon.

Curso ingles online. Conversaciones in inglés nivel intermedio.

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