
Los diferentes usos de would.

Los usos de “would”.

Would es un modal verb.  Los modal verbs son verbos auxiliares, es decir, verbos que necesitan otro verbo para poder tener sentido en una oración.

Podemos usar would a casi cualquier verbo cuando el verbo en español acaba con una de las terminaciones -ría, -rías, -ríamos, -ríais o -rían. Sólo hay dos excepciones – podría / could y debería / should.  
Se usa la misma forma de would para todas las personas, es decir no añaden “s” en la tercera persona.
Por ejemplo:
  • I would eat. - Yo comería,
  • He would go. - Él iría,
  • They would come. - Ellos vendrían.
Este tiempo indica que "el sujeto realizará la acción sólo si se cumple una condición."

Estructuras: ⇛ Oraciones afirmativas: ⇛ Sujeto + would + verbo sin to
  • I would go. = I’d go. - Yo iría.

Oraciones interrogativas: ⇛ Would + sujeto + verbo sin to
  • Would you like a coffee? - ¿Te gustaría una café?

Oraciones negativas: ⇛ Sujeto + would + not + verbo sin to
Nota: would not se suele contraer a wouldn’t.
  • I would not go. = I wouldn’t go. - Yo no iría.

Veamos aquí todas las contracciones de would:
I would / I would not
I'd / I wouldn’t.
You would / You  would not
You'd / You wouldn’t.
He would / He  would not
He'd / He wouldn’t.
She would / She  would not
She'd / She wouldn’t.
It would / It  would not
It'd / It wouldn’t.
We would / We  would not
We'd / We wouldn’t.
They would / They  would not
They'd / They wouldn’t.

Usos de would

1) Se utiliza para expresar ofrecimientos e invitaciones:
  • Would you like a coffee? - ¿Te gustaría un café?
  • Would you like to come with us? - ¿Te gustaría venir con nosotros?
  • Would he like a piece of cake? - ¿Le gustaría un trozo de pastel?

2) Para manifestar deseos o realizar peticiones de una manera cortés:
  • I would like your help. - Desearía tu ayuda.
  • Would you lend me your car? - ¿Me prestarías tu coche?
  • Would you wait here, please?  (Del video  Would you follow me, please?)

3) Podemos usar would para hablar en pasado cuando hablamos de acciones que realizábamos en el pasado de forma repetitiva. Normalmente este uso equivale al
pretérito imperfecto en español.
  • They would work every day when they lived in Australia. - Trabajaban todos los días cuando vivían en Australia.
  • When I was a child my grandfather would take me fishing in Summer.
  • We would go down the river for about three or four hours a day then we'd stop at a camp stop. We would have to take all of the food,.... (Del podcast White water ride  Joel habla de un viaje de rafting que hizo con sus estudiantes.)

5) Se utiliza para formar el Second condicional.
  • If the car were cheaper, I would buy it. - Si el coche fuera más barato, lo compraría.  
  • If I had told you, you would have bought the book. - Si te hubiera dicho, habrías comprado el libro. / Si te hubiera dicho, hubieras comprado el libro.

6) Future in the past. Es decir, la forma en que expresamos una acción que aún no había ocurrido en el pasado al que nos estamos refiriendo. Aquí estamos utilizando would como el pasado de will.  
  • I knew she would go to London this weekend.  (I knew it and now she is in London )
  • They thought the work would be finished by Tuesday.   (They thought it but they were wrong. It is now Tuesday and the work is not finished)
Si decimos esas frases con will podemos decir;
  • I know she will go to London this weekend.  (She has told me)
  • They think they will finish the work by Tuesday. (They are making a prediction for the future)

7) Se utiliza would bastante con said y told, las formas pasadas de say y tell (decir):
  • They said that it would be interesting. = They said it’d be interesting. - Dijeron que sería interesante.
  • I told you that they would arrive a little late. = I told you they’d arrive a little late. - Te dije que llegarían un poco tarde.

Curso ingles online, usos del modal verb “would”.

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