
A perfect day. Conversaciones en ingles.

Conversaciones en inglés.

Nicola talks about what would be a perfect day for her.

OK, if I have a day off, if it's summer time, I would probably sleep in about two hours late because I love sleeping, and then I would go shopping, especially shoe shopping and after that I would probably meet some friends and go to the beach, if I was near a beach, and certainly would swim in the sea because I do love swimming, especially in the sea, and I would probably sunbathe.
That sounds like an ideal summer day to me, maybe in the evening a few drinks and a nice meal and that would be a perfect day for me in the summer time.


day off - día libre
  • I have a day off next Monday. - Libro el próximo lunes.
  • I have the morning off this week. - Esta semana libro por las mañanas.

sleep in = lie in - dormir hasta tarde, levantarse tarde

meet some friends - quedarse con unos amigos

sunbathe - tomar el sol


Would se utiliza para explicar una acción que resulta de una condición verdadera o supuesta.
Corresponde a las terminaciones -ría, -rías, -ríamos, -rían
  • I would go with you if I didn't have to work. - Iría contigo si no tuviera que trabajar.
  • If I had not had to work, I would have gone with you. - Si no hubiera tenido que trabajar, hubiera ido contigo.
  • She would be surprised if you came to the party. - Estaría sorprendida si viniera a la fiesta.
  • Tom would drive, but he doesn't have a license. - Tom manejaría pero no tiene permiso de conducir.

Attribution (Reconocimiento) English Listening Lesson Library Online, (elllo).
El podcast original - Perfect day 193
El original tiene ejercicios (quiz)

Curso ingles online, conversaciones en ingles,

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