
Conversaciones en inglés: Getting old.

Conversaciones en inglés: Getting old. Level 4 (Nivel 4)

Vivian talks about getting old.

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Adrienne: Now, Vivian, do you mind me asking how old you are?

Vivian: I was 80 years old on November 3rd, 2004.

Adrienne: Wow! 80! What does it feel like to be 80?

Vivian: It's a little inconvenient because my mind didn't turned 80 but my body did and I find it sometimes my mind follows my body too! And it's hard to be as quick as I used to be and I always want to do more, now than I’m able to do. I can't do what I used to do when I was younger.

Adrienne: Oh, that's disappointing and probably a little frustrating.

Vivian: Very frustrating! Very frustrating! Especially when you have been active all of your life and all of a sudden things are just..., have slowed down to where you can't do all those, running around, flying around, tasks that you used to be able to do in the morning. Sometimes it takes me two days to get everything accomplished.

Adrienne: Well those are definite disadvantages to getting older. Are there any advantages? Can you give us some hope?

Vivian: Yes! Yes! There is hope. You have reached an age where you understand where you have been. I'm very fortunate that I lived in the 1900's. I was born in 1924. I saw the airplane invented. I saw the beginning of penicillin. I saw the medication for polio which stopped it in its track. I saw so many things. World War II. I was married in World War II and my husband went overseas for two years during that time, and my first two years of marriage was by letters, so it was..., it's a good time, 80, you look back on all those things and you're glad to be part of it. You begin to understand the changes that are taking place just as they took place when you were young, but you don't come to that realization until you become old. You don't become wiser. You just become more knowledgeable.

Adrienne: Well, that doesn't sound so bad.


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do you mind - te / le importa
  • I don't mind you asking me questions.  - No me importa que me hagas preguntas .
  • I wouldn't mind a drink. - No me importaría tomar algo.

feel like - sentirse

my mind didn't turned 80 but my body did - mi mente no cumplió 80 años pero mi cuerpo sí

inconvenient - incómodo

all of a sudden - de repente

slowed down - va más lento

stopped it in its track - se paró en seco

overseas - al extranjero


Getting con un adjetivo se usa mucho en inglés para hablar de una transformación o cambio.
  • She is getting old.

  • It’s getting cold.
Más información > Getting + adjective.  Utilizamos getting + adjetivo para hablar de un cambio de un estado o condición a otro estado o condición.

I used to be
Más información > Used to Es un pasado que hace hincapié en acciones, estados o condiciones contempladas como durativas en el pasado y lejanas. Equivale al pretérito imperfecto o solía, solías, solíamos etc.
                                                             Una traducción

Adrienne: Now, Vivian, do you mind me asking how old you are?

Vivian: I was 80 years old on November 3rd, 2004.

Adrienne: Wow! 80! What does it feel like to be 80?

Vivian: It's a little inconvenient because my mind didn't turn 80 but my body did and I find it sometimes my mind follows my body too! And it's hard to be as quick as I used to be and I always want to do more, now than I’m able to do. I can't do what I used to do when I was younger.

Adrienne: Oh, that's disappointing and probably a little frustrating.
Adrienne: Ahora, Vivian, ¿te importa que te pregunte ¿cuántos años tienes?

Vivian: Cumplí 80 años el 3 de noviembre de 2004.

Adrienne: Wow! 80! ¿Qué se siente al tener 80 años?

Vivian: Es un poco incómodo porque mi mente no cumplió 80 años pero mi cuerpo sí  y a veces mi mente sigue (el ritmo de) mi cuerpo. Y es difícil ser tan rápido como era y siempre quiero hacer más que soy capaz de hacer. Ya no puedo hacer lo que podía hacer cuando era más joven.

Adrienne:  Oh, eso es decepcionante y probablemente un poco frustrante.
Vivian: Very frustrating! Very frustrating! Especially when you have been active all of your life and all of a sudden things are just..., have slowed down to where you can't do all those, running around, flying around..., tasks that you used to be able to do in the morning. Sometimes it takes me two days to get everything accomplished.
Vivian: Muy frustrante! Muy frustrante! Especialmente cuando has estado activa toda tu vida y de repente las cosas son ..., todo va más lento a tal punto que ya no puedes hacer todo, corriendo y corriendo..., las tareas que eras capaz de hacer por la mañana, (pero ya no). A veces tardo dos días en hacer todo.
Adrienne: Well those are definite disadvantages to getting older. Are there any advantages? Can you give us some hope?
Adrienne: Bueno esas son realmente desventajas al envejecerse. ¿Hay alguna ventaja? ¿Puedes darnos alguna esperanza.
Vivian: Yes! Yes! There is hope. You have reached an age where you understand where you have been. I'm very fortunate that I lived in the 1900's. I was born in 1924. I saw the airplane invented. I saw the beginning of penicillin. I saw the medication for polio, which stopped it in its track. I saw so many things. World War II. I was married in World War II and my husband went overseas for two years during that time, and my first two years of marriage was by letters, so it was..., it's a good time, 80, you look back on all those things and you're glad to be part of it. You begin to understand the changes that are taking place just as they took place when you were young, but you don't come to that realization until you become old. You don't become wiser. You just become more knowledgeable.
Vivian: ¡Sí! ¡Sí! Hay esperanza. Has llegado a una edad en la que entiendes de dónde has estado. Me siento muy afortunada de haber vivido en el siglo 20. Nací en 1924. Vi la  invención del avión. Vi el comienzo de la penicilina. Vi la medicación para la polio, que se la paró en seco. He visto tantas cosas. La Segunda Guerra Mundial. Me casé durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y mi marido se fue al extranjero durante dos años en esa época, y mis dos primeros años de matrimonio nos comunicamos por cartas,  así fue ..., es un buen momento, (tener) 80 (años), miras hacia atrás de todos esas cosas y estás contenta de haber sido parte de ella. Empiezas a entender los cambios que se están produciendo, igual que ocurrió cuando eras joven, pero no llegas a esa realización hasta que te vuelves viejo. No te conviertes en sabio. Simplemente sabes más.
Adrienne: Well, that doesn't sound so bad.
Adrienne: Bueno, eso no suena tan mal.

Attribution: English Listening Lesson Library Online, (elllo).
Source page: Ageing 370  

Curso ingles online. Conversaciones en inglés: Getting old. Level 4

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